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Blume Gives You Freedom

When you rent a Blume Salon Studio, you are presented with a turnkey approach to salon ownership. Blume Salon Studios provides the resources to make it as easy as possible, offering much more than just a space to rent. Blume provides a seamless solution for salon ownership by offering move-in-ready salon studios, access to cutting-edge technology, and support needed to run your own business.

Drama Free

Escape salon politics and drama in your own private, secure studio.

Your Pricing

Set your own pricing for services and sell the products you love.

Your Schedule

Manage your own schedule with 24/7 studio access.

Private & Intimate

Enjoy an intimate setting & give your guests the one-on-one attention they deserve.

Your Space

Personalize your salon space your way—with artwork, music, furniture and decor.


A variety of amenities, including utilities and WiFi are all included.